
Friday, 18 January 2013

Basic Make-up Brushes (English)

Hi hi!, okay today's post is about MAKEUP BRUSHES. I know some of you guys don't own all, and some does!

Anyways, these are few examples of brushes mostly used ni makeup session by professional people! It's like woooooooh! back to art class right? I know *roll eyes* but don't worry if you don't have the whole sets of brushes. It's alright! because we don't be needing all of them anyway, you're just gonna use few out of the many and and and you can be creative and saving by inventing whatever that can give you about the same effects.

Here, I'm gonna tell you which I think is important and that you need to have (which I have) anddd, if somehow, someday, one of your most important brush went "magically missing" what can you use to substitute in that moment ASAP! :)

1st. OKEY! The first brush, I ever ever-er had is my EYESHADOW Brush. Usually you dont need to buy them. I've bought few eyeshadows and it came together as a set (sometimes it doesn't!! woops, please check or ask the sales lady!) Eyeshadow brush is kinda important for me, because for me I think eyes are the most important catch that we have on our face! like people always say "eyes are the windows to the soul" I know, I know...I sound cheesy...but it's true though, I mean I know, I get cought up in someone's eyes sometimes, pretty eyes are like so hard to resist (ehem!) Anyways, this brush's function as an applicator for eyeshadow...I'm sure you guys know that well...duhhh. but but but~ I gotta sick problem where I kinda like to use it different way! ohhhhhh (so not perverted ways don't worry). I like to use eyeshadow brush to apply my black eyeshadow as my eyeliner!! does that even make sense? well, works like an eyeliner but slightly messy and thick, no need to get confused alright! so yeah you guys can try it sometimes. (tips: if, somehow your eyeshadow brush was missing or dirty, you can try to use the cottonbud, yep, i did, especially for smudged up effect.:D hehehe)

2nd. Besides that, I think you guys can figure out that I'm a eyeliner freak...>.< I dont need to bother hiding that I guess.... so for sure, surely I have EYELINER BRUSH. I bought gel liner and it came together (maybelline and bobbi brown) I find it useful and never thought of buying most of the brushes. Sadly, I don't really use this brush much because I am fully satisfied with my eyeliner pencil's result! arrest me but leave my eyeliner pencil alone! (tips: sometimes eyeshadow brush has dual ending and on the other end, there's eyeliner brush as well.)
3rd. Lastly, BLUSH BRUSH. :X this one also you can get together when you buy blusher (sometimes you don't), I'm not even sure where I get mine because my blusher doesn't come with one, ohhhh yeh, my mummy gave it to me! she found it lying around and she's not using it (neither do I) but I do use blusher though. I hardly use blush brush, is because, I prefer to use my fingers....I know it's messy...that's just me, I just like the blending effect better but you guys can keep to the brush though. 
(tips: if you don't have or find it missing like the others as well, this is what you can use to apply your blusher. If you have extra compact powder sponge around use it or your fingers. If you're confused, ask me I'll can make a videoclip to show you how!)
sponge compact power
aka foundation sponge
Basically, that's the BASIC brushes that you guys need to have to ease and save your time! if you do have the whole set, it's great, but if you don't you can always try my ways. for me, if you have it, use it. if you don't, substitute! (I use my fingers kinda a lot, that's what gets me satisfied the most!) sooo yup, that's it for brushes that I have and use and I think it's important to have if you wanna put on makeup like I do. Thanks for reading and if you do have questions feel free to ask. I'd love to hear!! xoxo muah-muah.

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